Converting maps from Build to Quake

Discuss aspects of converting Blood maps to DarkPlaces.
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Converting maps from Build to Quake

Post by DustyStyx »

Apparently map2map wasn't as easy to find as it should be.

Here it is: Map2Map Source Code & SVN

Also useful: Blud2B
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Post by Ransu »

So could this thing be used to port the maps from Blood to be used for Transfusion? I'm not sure if that's what was being done already. :? Probably seems like a lazy thing to do, but I'm just wondering.
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Post by DustyStyx »

Yes, I Live... Again, Tim, .\\firghtfan//., Bloodite, Slink, and Predator have all used it to convert Blood maps to the Quake format for Transfusion at one point or other.

It's far from a perfect conversion, from what I've been told. But, it gets a good chunk of the geometry down right, at least as reference points. Otherwise I suppose that the mappers would have to go into MAPEDIT and write down the coordinates of each point and build it that way.

There is plenty of room for improvement, as you can tell. I imagine a complete 1.0 version of map2map would be able to do a 100% conversion to Transfusion without any user intervention.
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Post by Slink »

DustyStyx wrote:Yes, I Live... Again, Tim, .\\firghtfan//., Bloodite, Slink, and Predator have all used it to convert Blood maps to the Quake format for Transfusion at one point or other.

It's far from a perfect conversion, from what I've been told. But, it gets a good chunk of the geometry down right, at least as reference points. Otherwise I suppose that the mappers would have to go into MAPEDIT and write down the coordinates of each point and build it that way.

There is plenty of room for improvement, as you can tell. I imagine a complete 1.0 version of map2map would be able to do a 100% conversion to Transfusion without any user intervention.
Affirmative. I liked to do a little "prep work" in mapedit before converting the .map file. You can do things like cut a concave-shaped sector (overhead view) in to ONLY convex shapes. That way, the converter doesn't lose floor/ceiling of that sector. I can't remember much else, but you should play around and see what converts right and what doesn't.
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