Enabling new TFn hud outside TFn?

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Enabling new TFn hud outside TFn?

Post by leileilol »

I'm screwing around DP making an experimental mockery of modern games and I'd like to use the new Transfusion HUD. New, Free assets are made for its images already so the "omg don't steal from blood" bases are already covered.

However, I have no clue on how this hud is activated. I've checked the TFn qc and didn't see anything jumping out at me like ENABLE HUD and such. The -transfusion parameter still gives old Quake hud.
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Post by DustyStyx »

You're talking about the raw code for it right? I think (so dont quote me on it) some of that is actually in the DP code to auto detect which mod is running so it knows if it's running Quake, Transfusion, Nexuiz, or Darsana, but I really don't know the specifics of it. Willis worked the most on it, he would know.

It sounds like you are doing a parody, so that's all good under fair use. :P

I think when Willis made the changes they were documented on the transfusion development list. You could check the mailing list logs at SourceForge

Edit: Okay, don't go there. It looks like that list is incomplete because I know I received more email from blood-devel over the last two years then what is listed there. Maybe it's in the CVS logs.
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Post by Willis »

The code is completely engine side at this point, and is not in CVS. Its not in CVS for two reasons. 1) It's still incomplete, and 2), its not properly merged (and currently somewhat broken). Also, there is debate about scrapping it out for a csqc version once csqc is ready. It is fully activated by the -game transfusion switch, but you muse use a the released transfusion executables for now since it isn't in DP CVS. The code will certainly be released in the event of a TFn release, but until then, I need to merge and fix it before I can really post it.


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Post by leileilol »

the last tfn.exe crashes :( it also lacks many vital features (q3 shader on models, etc)
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Post by The Nameless Player »

Willis wrote:The code is completely engine side at this point, and is not in CVS. Its not in CVS for two reasons. 1) It's still incomplete, and 2), its not properly merged (and currently somewhat broken). Also, there is debate about scrapping it out for a csqc version once csqc is ready. It is fully activated by the -game transfusion switch, but you muse use a the released transfusion executables for now since it isn't in DP CVS. The code will certainly be released in the event of a TFn release, but until then, I need to merge and fix it before I can really post it.
Dude, where's the source code?
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Re: Enabling new TFn hud outside TFn?

Post by N0t_mINe »

So Transfusion has been distributing a software dev kit with game progs without the altered engine code from a version of DP, violating DP's license at least since 2007? This is heart breaking. I hope willis will rectify this in good time.


If true ZardoZ, you forgot the if true part.

i just dl'ed the SDK and there is a folder inside called Darkplaces. Within are header and C files. i'm guessing willis put the the engine back without noting it in this thread.

@The Namless Player:

If you still have the SDK installer, run it again and you'll see the selection for dp engine is greyed out. Click it, along with everything else that's grey and you'll get the full package.
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Re: Re:

Post by Willis »

The Nameless Player wrote:
Willis wrote:The code is completely engine side at this point, and is not in CVS. Its not in CVS for two reasons. 1) It's still incomplete, and 2), its not properly merged (and currently somewhat broken). Also, there is debate about scrapping it out for a csqc version once csqc is ready. It is fully activated by the -game transfusion switch, but you muse use a the released transfusion executables for now since it isn't in DP CVS. The code will certainly be released in the event of a TFn release, but until then, I need to merge and fix it before I can really post it.
Dude, where's the source code?
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c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
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received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
I have provided it previously with builds that had the code implemented, however I cannot find it.

http://www.transfusion-game.com/files/m ... 1991.patch is a patch against current DarkPlaces SVN ( available at http://svn.icculus.org/twilight/trunk/darkplaces/ ) revision 11991.

It is untested, converted from a May 2007 build, so there may be a couple things that need to be adjusted, I've done my best to adapt it to the current code, but am currently unable to verify.

This code was never commited as I do not have commit access to the Dark Places repository, nor was it intended to be a long-term solution, it should certainly be replaced with a csqc hud and menu system.
(Also note, we never violated 3b, as it has always been available upon request.)
The Nameless Player
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Re: Enabling new TFn hud outside TFn?

Post by The Nameless Player »

Thanks! I tweaked the untested patch a bit to get it working.

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