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Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 06:30 pm
by Slink
I think the eyeball should blend more to its nerve cord thingy... texturally. :) Yummy.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 07:44 pm
by boss429
Those look great oBe. You're great at doing Blood.
the the bone on that one gib looks a little out of place color-wise, I can't seem to put my finger on whats exactly wrong.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 02:21 am
by Slink
I just looks a bit like a bent Humerus stuck through a bloody raw meatball. No offense intended! I am just not sure where that jib is intended to be used. It looks like a chunk of a leg from someone who got MESSED up. It is obviously either an upper leg or upper arm piece, so musculature should be reminiscent of that. If it IS an arm, that thing was beefy. There is my two cents. *Ducks for cover from people throwing sh!t*

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 06:36 am
by Hellen
And I thought it was a piece of cooked meat. You know, cooked, fried with onion and spices. Don’t remember where this dish belongs in Blood though…
But one thing I can tell for sure: it doesn’t look like a chunk of a leg from someone who got MESSED up.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 06:45 am
by Kazashi
Looks like a thigh to me, which I'd hope so since the model is called m_leg. And personally I'd be worried if I was served a cooked piece of meat which looked like *that*.

Maybe add a few muscle cords to appease the people who are apparently going to omit playing the game in favour of staring at a small model for hours on end, otherwise I think it looks fine.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 01:22 pm
by oBe
Hellen, I don't know where you regularly eat, but in my kitchen, things that are cooked usually become dark and brownish instead of bloody red. :|

Slink: I'll change the eyeball and add some musclestrings. Keep in mind that a leg that comes off in an explosion won't have nice big stringies as well, since they connect mostly at the top of the bone. Everything in between should be a mess, which is what I was going for.

I wonder how many games have gibs that aren't generic gore. :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 01:45 pm
by Hellen
Bloody red… I don’t know, it just doesn’t look like a piece of flesh that has been ripped out of the living thing (even if it was a result of the explosion). Have you ever seen raw meat?
But okay, you’re the boss.
Why does the eyeball look like ice-cream then?

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 04:03 pm
by DustyStyx
oBe: The brain looks AWESOME!

Hellen: The offer still stands. If you dont like how it looks, change it. How are thoes keys coming? :D

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 04:52 pm
by oBe

Changed the eyeball
And 3 new versions of the leg where you people can choose from.
If you people still don't like it, perhaps it could help directing me in direction you'd like to see it instead of just complaining. :twisted:


Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 08:17 pm
by Willis
I like the first one as it looks like it still has small bits of skin or it got rolloed around in dirt a little bit, makes it feel less like a chuck just randomly fell out of somebody's leg, but rather came out with a little bit of force ;) The second one just looks strange to be, and the third one looks too clean.

The eye looks good, my only suggestion would be to consider using a little alpha if possible to make the retinal chord a bit narrower, and maybe add 'fiber strands' off that chord (make it look like it had a bunch of nerves severed). Hard to do on something that small, but at least a little alpha would make it look a bit better I think. Granted that model is so small in-game it probably wouldn't make a bit of difference, I'm just trying to be constructive here.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:12 pm
by Slink
Yes, and to be constructive, the m_leg model obviously would have had the muscle forcefully removed from the longer straight part of the bone, thus I think there should be much more blood gore (on the bone part). When something gets popped by an explosive, much of it is turned to sushi fixings and red soup. Or, as one of our members would note: Thin Red Paste. ;)

Excellent effort oBe. My intent is wholly constructive. More mess please. :)

Hellen: When I was referring to the messed up leg, I meant that there was much muscle mass forcefully removed, and the bone was broken and bent, but not protruding from the flesh. Yes, it did look a bit like an uncooked roast. ;)


Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 07:59 pm
by DustyStyx
Just an update to the Gargoyle.
I'll probably work as I see things that need tweeking.

Previous version:

Cruaich treatment:

I did a bit more work on the head, and smudged around a bit of the musculature. I think the nose job helped the most, the prevous version was my fault.


Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:47 pm
by boss429
great work Cruaich!
I really like the mouth; those red gums and gaged teeth look cool. The sprite looks like the cheeks are more boney and the nostrills are a tad darker and his skin tone looks a litte pinker and less brown, but other than that he looks perfect.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:01 am
by scar3crow
I look forward to seeing him move in games, just for the sake of self shadowing in DP ; )

Will he have his fire death? I always loved that one.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 01:29 am
by Willis
Personal thoughts:

The entire body could be a little bit darker brown, or at the very least, from the waste down.
Top of his head needs to be darkened a bit to help make his eyes not look so sunken-in, Also a bit more red on the bottom of the eyes, and a bit more white and less shadowing.
Nose still seems a bit bright as well, but I suspect darkening the shade of overall brown would help that issue out, as already suggested.

Looking great though!